Climate and wood
Assessment of forest management and wood use scenarios related to their potential to mitigate climate change
Forestry and wood utilisation contribute to the mitigation of climate change via several mechanisms, e.g. due to the carbon sink capacity of forests, the carbon storage in wood products, the substitution of fossil fuels due to a substitution of energetically more intense competing materials, and finally the energetic substitition during thermal heat recovery.
Commissioned by the Swiss Office for Environment and in collaboration with GeoPartner, EMPA and WSL, we have developed a complex model that allows us to assess the global and national greenhouse gas impacts of different forest management and wood use scenarios.
Assessment of forest management and wood use scenarios related to their potential to mitigate climate change for Sweden and for Liechtenstein
In collaboration with GeoPartner, we assessed the different forest management and wood use scenarios related to their impact on climate change and derived respective recommendations for the optimization of the national greenhouse gas inventories of Sweden and of Liechtenstein.
Accounting principles for wood products in national greenhouse gas inventoires under the UN framework convention on climate change
The accounting rules for wood products in national greenhouse gas inventories under the UN framework convention and the Kyoto protocol are currently discussed controversally.
In collaboration with GeoPartner and Empa, we assessed the implications of different accounting approches for wood products and developed the Swiss position paper.